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Fuck the Facts - Mullet Fever CD

Image of Fuck the Facts - Mullet Fever CD


This re-release of the 41 short and bizarre tracks that comprise Mullet Fever gives fans a good insight into exactly how Topon Das’ early noise grind influenced the current embodiment of Fuck the Facts. With a few more releases under their belt, this look back to their roots makes it easy to trace their penchant for spastic while working mostly within a slightly longer, more structured plague metal approach. At times it seems the album may have been constructed purely to elaborate some humorous song titles, but for the most part it’s a very unique take on caustic grinding clamour. Random samples, talking moments and near jazz interludes are woven into feverish, bone crushing sonic cacophony. Each track pushes boundaries in its own way, whether it be by throwing in a couple hip-hop tracks, some random ambient techno moments, reconstructing a few samples from Master of Puppets, or including crudely delivered sing-along, proclaiming “we’ve got mullet fever.” Always working towards growing and diverging, this record serves as an appropriate flashback ere their upcoming Relapse debut.